As you have likely seen our Phase 2 construction of our school's playground and outdoor learning space is near completion! We appreciate your patience as we maintain fencing around the main outdoor classroom area as our sod and trees take root. The fences will be down as soon as we can ensure the sod is ready. This phase of construction has included the addition of an outdoor amphitheatre, revitalized sand pit, log soccer backstops, 2 hillside slides, irrigation system, outdoor mud kitchen (yet to be unveiled), landscaping to make our space more usable, and a small native plant terraced garden.
We recently reviewed the work done with Wilco, our hired contractor, and plan to find a solution to the erosion near the newly installed slides. We have received funding for this project from the Community Facility Enhancement Program through the Government of Alberta, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, Alpenglow Community Education Society fundraising, and a private family donation. Canadian Rockies Public School generously installed our irrigation system through their facility management department. Alberta Parks and Recreation also generously supported our 2019/2020 Grade 5/6 class in creating the terraced native plant garden as well as their construction of an outdoor mud kitchen for our younger grades to enjoy. The mud kitchen will join our outdoor space as soon as the fencing is removed. We were fortunate enough to just be awarded the Tree Canada - Greening Canada's Schools Initiative Grant for $3500 to go towards the recent addition of the beautiful trees to our space to provide shelter from the wind in our outdoor learning space. Thank you Tree Canada and their donor TELUS for this generous support in adding beauty and shelter to our space. If you happen to see one of our playground committee members at the school be sure to say a huge thank you for all of their hard work making this project a reality. |