This project began when a student inquired if they could have a class pet. This inquiry evolved into a cross-curricular adventure involving application writing to Town of Canmore counsel, learning about the fundamentals of democracy, researching real life implications of raising chickens in a unique mountain environment, countless hours of mathematics, using measurement, scale, the four functions, geometry, angles and numerous other mathematical connections.
Beginning October 18th, 2016 students in the Grades 5/6 class began construction on entrance and chicken coop buildings within the High School Atrium. The students framed and insulated walls; painted and mounted exterior walls; built roof structures; painted windows and trim; and we belayed walls 23 feet into the atrium! The chicken run got framed and wired, and the interior of the 2 buildings were created. Lots of new and exciting learnings occurred!
Watch the Educational Poultry Journey here, as the students and their teacher finish the construction, see the eggs hatch and continue on this amazing educational experience!