Today, we continue with our two Alpenglow graduates as they transition into a their new school. Last time we heard how they were feeling before school started (you can read it here if you missed it), and today we find out how their first day went.... For Students - How was your first day?Alpenglow graduate A: "It was a pretty good day. I came up to the school and there were so many people, everywhere. I was with my friends and we walked through the school doors and found our classroom. I was SO excited to be with my 2 friends from Alpenglow. It was good to walk in with my friends but I was focusing on all the people, everywhere. There was a miniature sign that said room 111 and we had to look through all the lists. The writing was so tiny so it took a bit. Then we saw a friend that knew her way around and she took us to the room. We didn't organize that but it was helpful. Then we sat down and our new teacher told us about herself and we made name tags. It was really cool to hear her story. We played bingo as a get to know you game. I met a couple of the other girls in the class. At lunch, it was SO loud in the gathering area. This was a bit hard. At recess, we weren't allowed to play in the park so we just walked around in circles. We wanted to play grounders. We didn't have a playground at Alpenglow so we were excited to have some equipment. We'll have to find something else to do - maybe we could get some equipment or balls to play with. It would have helped if someone told us what we could do. We went to an assembly, it didn't seem that important. They welcomed everyone and introduced teachers but it would have been fun to do something. Lockers - it took me 5 tries before I could open it. When I got it a few times I put it on my locker. I haven't been locked out yet so I'm happy. I'm also happy that we got the colourful lockers! They should make all the lockers colourful. Overall, I felt pretty good about the first day." Alpenglow graduate B: "Today was my first day. When we got to the school we went inside and went to the gathering area. We found our class list and classroom number posted up on a bulletin board we went to our class and sat down, we then met our teacher. We did attendance and we played a round of 'know your classmates bingo' witch was really fun. Then we read through the student hand book and got our lockers. We went out for snack and hung around outside until the warning bell rang so we went inside.Then we got somewhat logged into google classroom on our computers after everyone had somewhat figured out what it was we went outside and played ga ga boll until lunch. After lunch we played a round of school charades witch was pretty awesome then we went to the welcome back assembly and that lasted until the end of the day. So over all I think that it was a pretty great way to start a school year!!!!!!!!!" For Parents - What was your feed back from your child after their first day?Parent of graduate A: "I didn't attend the first day so I wasn't able to see the reactions to the new school, first hand. What I heard was that, overall, it went quite smoothly. She was happy with how nice her teacher was and that she was with her friends. I think the biggest impact on the day going well was that she didn't feel alone. There seemed to be a resounding emphasis on how many people are at the school and how loud it is, because of the volume of people. A fact that can't really be helped " Parent of graduate B: "She loved it. She really liked her teacher and her colourful locker. She said it was loud, very loud and busy, and that people are on their computers all the time at recess and lunch. She felt really relieved that her friends from Alpenglow were in her class and so she didn't feel alone." Coming up next on our blog.... insights after the students first week! Comments are closed.
Many families have questions surrounding how the transition from Alpenglow School into another school will go for their child, or has gone for other students after finishing Grade 6.Here we will give you insight, information and personal stories of how it has been for some of our Alpenglow School graduates. ArchivesCategories |